Toucan 3DESIGN V10

3DESIGN™ releases the new version of its software: 3DESIGN™ V10.

Discover 3DESIGN™ V10

3DESIGN™ releases the new version of its software: 3DESIGN™ V10.

With more than 20 years of continuous development, 3DESIGN™ is distributed all over the world and is constantly evolving thanks to the feedback of our users. 3DESIGN™ allows jewelers, designers and watchmakers to easily create and produce 3D jewelry models.
The parametric engine embedded in the software modifies any element in a simple way without having to redo everything from the beginning. Indeed, 3DESIGN™ is Computer Aided Design (CAD) software that allows users to create, modify and correct instantly with precise results.

The 3DESIGN™ interface has been optimized for all jewelry creation professions from goldsmiths to jewelry and watch makers. The software is adaptive to all levels from beginner to expert.
3DESIGN™ is developed closely with two other available solutions as one cohesive software package. Create with 3DESIGN™; sculpt and model flowing, organic jewelry shapes with 3Shaper, and generate photo quality renderings and animations with DeepImage.


The new 3DESIGN™  V10 is more than a tool, it becomes your jewelry creation assistant. It allows you to turn ideas or inspirations into reality. The new features and tools are included to increase efficiently putting the focus back on creativity. 3DESIGN™ V10 has a customizable interface and choice of workflows that help you design with precision and comfort. 


This new version gives users more freedom to create. It allows you to take your ideas form abstract to concrete. The available tools have been researched, developed, and designed to meet both technical and creative needs.


The 3DESIGN™ development teams have included more tools that allow users to perform actions quickly with a single click. One major goal of 3DESIGN™ V10 is to allow users to realize technically advanced designs in as few clicks as possible. The improvement of functions, interface and repeatability allow jewelry artists to be more efficient than ever."


3DESIGN™ V10 is the solution to help realize, design, and build beautiful and precise models. Turning dreams, ideas, and sketches into real world jewelry.  The creation tools have been rethought, recreated, and improved to facilitate this process of realization and creation without limits.